User Manual
1. 本电加热器为设计的水用电加热产品,它安装于水箱上,用于水的加热。
This type of electric heater is designed for heating water which and installed on the top of water tank.
2. 技术参数 Technical Parameter
Rated Power:1.5~15KW(Series Product)
Rated Voltage : 200~460Vac (Series Product)
Pressure: Ordinary
Temperature: not more than 80℃
3. 加热水箱上必须装有温度传感器(一般为Pt100)。电加热器加热时由电气控制箱对加热温度进行控制,电加热器才能正常运行。温度过高,压力过大都可能酿成事故。
The thermal sensor (ordinary Pt100) must be fixed in the water. Only electric panel box can control the heater to regulate the water temperature. If the temperature or pressure exceeds the threshold level it will give rise to an accident.
4. 电加热管必须全部浸入水中才能通电加热。
The electric heat elements must be immerged in water totally before switch on.
5. 通电前应先检查电加热器的绝缘电阻,当发现绝缘电阻急剧降低,应立即进行检查,找出原因排除后才能通电使用。
The insulate resistance must be checked before use, if the insulate resistance falls down rapidly, it is not allowed to swich on the heater before the malfunction has been eliminated.
6. 电加热器必须可靠接地。
The earthing must be connected to the heater.